Design Trends of 2024

Feb 1, 2024

Though we are only a month into this new year, I can tell 2024 is set to be a remarkable year of design. This year promises to be a thrilling journey through evolving design trends that redefine our living spaces. As an interior designer navigating this dynamic landscape, I am eager to unveil the exciting concepts, color palettes, and innovative approaches that will shape the aesthetics of our homes. Join me on this insightful exploration as we delve into the design trends poised to captivate and inspire in the coming year.

Blues, greens, and reds, oh my!

If you follow us on Instagram, you’ll remember back in November of 2023 we shared the Sherwin Williams 2024 color trends. If you need a refresher on the colors to expect to see this year, here’s a recap!

The Convergence of Blues & Greens
The Poetry of Reds & Purples
A Gathering of Deeps & Darks
A Study in Delicate Tints

The Convergence of Blues & Greens –

Blues bring an essence of serenity, harmony, and calmness. Greens have ties to nature, health, and freshness. The convergence of these two colors will promote mental and emotional well-being and tranquility.

The Poetry of Reds & Purples

Red screams passion and boldness and demands attention. Purple represents wealth, power, and creativity. This palette is muted yet expressive, nostalgic, and cheerful.

A Gathering of Deeps & Darks

Deep and dark colors are becoming a new favorite way to create an intimate atmosphere of rest, calmness, coziness, and sanctuary.

A Study in Delicate Tints

Airy and serene tints intermingle with soft whites to deliver a sophisticated, elegant, and minimalist palette. Step away from a world of distractions and demands on the senses with the gentlest hint of color – or none at all.

A spa? No wait, it’s my bathroom!

Creating bathrooms that evoke the tranquil ambiance of a spa has been a prevailing trend in interior design, and in 2024, this concept is expected to gain even more prominence. Here are some key elements that contribute to achieving a spa-like atmosphere in bathrooms:

Natural Materials & Colors

Natural Materials & Colors

Incorporating natural materials such as wood, stone, and bamboo, and sticking with neutral and soothing colors can infuse a sense of calm and warmth, and create a connection with nature.

Open & Airy Layouts

No matter how large or small your space is, frameless glass shower enclosures, floating vanities, freestanding tubs, and minimalist design contribute to a spacious and airy feel.

Open & Airy Layouts

Smart Technology

Incorporating smart technology, such as programmable thermostats for floor heating, smart mirrors with integrated lighting, or dimmable lighting fixtures, adds a modern and convenient touch to the spa-inspired bathroom.


Aromatherapy & Plants

Infuse the space with calming scents through aromatherapy diffusers or scented candles. Adding indoor plants not only improves air quality but also brings a touch of nature.

Aromatherapy & Plants

Bring the art museum to your home

Large format art and sculptural wall pieces are emerging as key trends in 2024, reshaping the way we adorn our living spaces.

Large Format Artwork

Large Format Artwork

Oversized artwork serves as a focal point. Large paintings, photographs, or prints with bold colors and intricate details create a powerful visual impact. Don’t want to go with a wall-sized piece of art? Murals are gaining popularity, turning entire walls into immersive works of art.

Large Format Artwork Mural
Sculptural Wall Art

Sculptural Wall Art

Go beyond traditional flat artwork by adding depth and texture to walls. Intricate sculptures and three-dimensional installations create a dynamic and engaging visual experience. Sculptures crafted from various materials like metal, wood, ceramics, or even recycled materials add diversity and intrigue.

Gallery Walls with a Twist

Instead of traditional symmetrical gallery walls, the trend is leaning towards an eclectic mix of large and small artworks arranged in an asymmetrical fashion. This curated chaos adds a touch of personality and creativity to the space. Want even more of a twist? Combine different art forms on a single wall, such as integrating paintings with sculptural elements or incorporating framed textiles.

Gallery Walls with a Twist

Have it your way

There has been a noticeable shift in consumer preferences towards buying furniture locally and opting for customized pieces. This trend continues to rise in 2024 as people desire unique, high-quality, long-lasting, and sustainable options.


Local Artisanal Craftsmanship – Purchasing furniture locally not only fosters a sense of community but also promotes sustainability by reducing the carbon footprint associated with long-distance transportation.Local and customized furniture often come with transparent supply chains. Buyers appreciate knowing the origin of materials and the hands that crafted their furniture, establishing a deeper connection to the pieces within their homes.


Customization Over Mass Production – Customized furniture allows individuals to tailor pieces to their specific preferences and design aesthetics. From selecting materials, colors, and finishes to determining dimensions, customization ensures that each piece is a unique reflection of the homeowner’s style.Beyond aesthetics, customization offers the opportunity to address specific functional needs such as maximizing storage, fitting unique room dimensions, or accommodating special features.

Brass & matte black sitting in a tree…

The trend of mixing metals has become a prominent feature in interior design, offering a dynamic and eclectic approach to decorating spaces. This trend extends beyond plumbing and lighting fixtures, making its mark on furnishings, art, and accessories. We are likely to see a lot more of this in the new year.

Bathroom metal

Bathrooms & Kitchens

Designers are embracing the artful combination of various metal finishes for plumbing and lighting fixtures. Even bathroom towel bars, hooks, toilet paper rings, etc. are typically uniform and now being seen in a new light. Pairing brushed nickel with matte black, or brass with chrome, creates visual interest and depth, remaining subtle or being boldly showcased.

Furnishings & Accessories

Mixed metals are also finding their way into furnishings. This can be seen in metal accents on table legs, drawer pulls, or framing details. The juxtaposition adds a contemporary and eclectic flair to furniture pieces. Accessories such as vases, candle holders, and decorative trays, is yet another way mixing metals is being embraced in design. This allows for the freedom to experiment with textures and tones in smaller, more interchangeable items.

Furnishings & Accessories

Eco my biome

Biophilic design has gained significant traction in the world of interior design. In 2024, this trend continues to flourish, emphasizing the integration of natural elements into built environments, turning friendly places into eco-friendly spaces. As the years go on, the importance of human health, happiness, and productivity increase and continue to become a standard practice in daily life through the following methods.

Biophilic design

Natural Materials & Textures

The use of materials such as wood and stone is a hallmark of biophilic design. From hardwood floors to stone countertops, these materials create a connection to the outdoors and bring a sense of warmth and authenticity to interiors.

Natural Materials & Textures

Nature’s Elements

Go beyond a potted plant and incorporate vertical gardens or living walls. They are a striking feature in biophilic design, enhancing aesthetics but also improving air quality and contributing to a sense of well-being. Additionally, water features are an important aspect to biophilic design. Whether it’s a small fountain, a cascading waterfall, or a relaxing pool, water features bring a calming and natural element to interior spaces. Lastly, Prioritize the incorporation of natural light through large windows, skylights, and open floor plans. Access to daylight not only reduces reliance on artificial lighting but also positively impacts mood and productivity.

Nature’s Elements

Nature-Inspired Patterns

Textiles, wallpapers, and decor items featuring patterns inspired by nature contribute to the biophilic aesthetic. These could include leaf motifs, organic shapes, or patterns resembling natural textures like water or bark.

I, for one, cannot wait to see what and how this year unfolds in terms of interior design trends. I am looking forward to catching glimpses of these trends in my own work and my fellow colleagues’ work! Cheers to 2024 and all the beautiful designs to come!

We look forward to sharing more project progress with all of you on all of our socials! If you haven’t followed us yet, you’re missing out!